Office in the Urban Mansion
1802 date of construction Urban Mansion of
A.N. Ozerov-Molchanov-Olovyashnikovs,
XIX century
19th-century mansion —
a cultural heritage site of
regional significance
The Urban Mansion of A.N. Ozerov-Molchanov-Olovyashnikovs is a cultural heritage object of federal significance. The interiors of the Mansion almost have not survived and just the remnants of a molded decor had reached our days.
period of design and implementation
The main task was to restore the preserved interior elements and organize a modern functional space in the Mansion.
A modern office was created in the historical mansion.The architectural bureau conducted thorough research into preserved historical layers and rare historical molding in the Moorish style. Complex interior solutions were developed and a rare color pallete selection that was based on the historical molding remnants clearing and analogs studying in other mansions of Russia.
The bureau's expertise
The head of project
and Lead Designer